Kotlin vs Java for Android Developing – 2018

Google announced at the keynote of the Google I / O 2017 the arrival of a new programming language for Android applications: Kotlin. A real revolution for developers! But how does it compare to Java? Let’s discuss Kotlin vs Java in more detail. Android is an operating system that will soon celebrate its 10th anniversary. Its architecture…

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How to learn a web development language

What does learning a web development language give us?   Learning a web development language enables you to have in your grasp the instruments to write not just basic sites to promote a particular business, but also web applications consisting of real programs able to do the most disparate things: simple video games available online…

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The advantages of PHP

Advantages of PHP Among the developers, there are dissonant opinions on the robustness and the convenience to use PHP to develop websites and web applications, especially if advanced. Given that no programming language is the absolute best and each of them has their own advantages, some of them are more suitable than others for certain types…

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