How to learn a web development language

What does learning a web development language give us?


Learning a web development language enables you to have in your grasp the instruments to write not just basic sites to promote a particular business, but also web applications consisting of real programs able to do the most disparate things: simple video games available online and other types of interactive pages.

To create interactive sites, there are numerous development platforms, for example, WordPress or Joomla, which enable us to upload and publish all types of content in a site and give it diverse functions through the installation of extensions or plugins, that comes both free and paid.

There will be times in which we won’t be able to get what we want by simply adding plugins simply because they don’t exist or they are not free. In this case, knowing a web development language will help us greatly.

web development language

If our project is a web application, or a website , surely we must know how to develop the front-end, for example, the interface through which the user uses. For this it is necessary to know three languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript . Unlike HTML and CSS, JavaScript has many structures similar to a programming language.

Choosing a web development language

There are several development languages: We are lucky to have so many choices!

It is therefore important to choose one that is right for you, based on our goals and the skills you have. If, for example, you usually use a platform and want to create extensions, you will obviously study the language in which your platform is written; if you want to make a site with highly sensitive data you will have to rely on robust languages.

One thing at a time

Like many disciplines, web programming is learned by step by step. 
It starts with creating a code that reads the classic “Hello World” on the screen. You can then move on to more complex tasks. It is essential to learn one concept at a time, without continuing until you have understood what you have studied; it’s like making a pyramid: without a completed base you can not finish the top.

Main Web Development Languages and their roles

To display the contents of a web page through a browser such as text, images, etc. we use the language HTML. It is this HTML language that, by default, allows the display of content elements of the web page (without adding a plugin) through the browser ( Browser: Internet Explorer Internet Explorer,Browser: Fierfox Firefox, Browser: OperaOpera,Browser: Safari Safari,Browser: Google Chrome Google Chrome etc.).

CSS: Formatting the content (layout) of an Internet page

To format the content of a Web page through a browser can be done in a rudimentary way with HTML, but also more elaborate with CSS ( Cascading Styles Sheet ).

For formatting, layout (placement of elements, colorization, …), the CSS language allows us to set all layout rules (style of titles, paragraphs, links, etc.) for the page. 

Thanks to the CSS, we can act precisely on the HTML code of the Web page by acting on its tags:

  • By acting on the set of HTML tags of the same name (example: action on the set of HTML tags paragraphs <p>)
  • By acting on a specific tag identify precisely by a unique identifier ( ID , a unique name given to any HTML tag )
  • By acting on one or more tags of the same class, family (name – indicator that can be given to one or more HTML tags that may be the same or different).

For a website, CSS rules are only defined on a single CSS file and apply to all web pages of the website. Example: Once a ” standard ” ( a style ) has been defined for, for example, the HTML tag of H1 titles, all of its tags contained on the pages of the Internet site will then have the same formatting characteristics.

JavaScript: Interaction – Animation on a Web page

Now if we want an interactivity on the web page (animation, the mobility of an element on the page, instantaneous result of a calculation, etc.) we will use the JavaScript language.

The JavaScript is a language much more evolved than the HTML and CSS which basically allows that to display the elements and format them with the Navigator. The JavaScript language allows for example in the case of a form to be entered by the user, the user, the customer, to check if the information is correctly entered before they are transmitted.

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